Kaiapoi Lodge will provide you with most of your day-to day needs. The nursing team is made up of experienced of Registered Nurses and Certified Health Care Assistants who are on duty around the clock, every day.
Other services in the facility are provided by qualified activities personnel, dietary staff (as needed), administrative support staff and housekeepers.
The list below gives you a picture of what is available to each Kaiapoi lodge resident as part of the standard fee.
- Personal care on a 24-hour basis, including the administration of medication and assistance with activities of daily living.
- On-site medical care provided by a local physician of your choice.
- Supplies, equipment and devices necessary for the provision of medical, nursing and personal care and activities of daily living.
- Meal service and meals, including three meals daily, snacks between meals and at bedtime, special and therapeutic diets, dietary supplements and assistive devices for self-feeding if required.
- Social, recreational and physical activities and programs, including the appropriate supplies and equipment.
- Laundry services, including, machine washing, hand washing, drying of personal clothing and ironing.
- Bedding and linen including mattresses, pillows, bed linen, wash cloths and towels.
- Bedroom furnishings including; bed, a bedside table, dresser, and a comfortable easy chair.
- Cleaning and upkeep of the facility.
- Equipment for the general use of residents including wheelchairs and geriatric chairs, canes, walkers, toilet aids and other self-help aids for activities of daily living. Other items may be provided at an extra cost to the resident.
- All other services required under Long-Term Care legislation, like social work and various therapies.